Soccer Adult Registration Form ; 0487 438 348 110 Old McMillans Rd, Coconut Grove, NT 0810 TEAM DETAILSTeam NameMEMBER #1Member 1 NamePhoneMember 1 Email MEMBER #2Member 2 NamePhoneMember 2 Email PREFERRED COMPPreferred Comp A Grade B Grade Mixed social (Min 2 Women) Masters (Saturdays Pm Over 35’s) Womens Juniors (Fri Pm Under 18’s) PREFERRED DAYSPreferred Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU WISH TO PLAY MULTIPLE DAYSMultiple daysTeam payment of $60 MUST be paid in full prior to playing. Teams agree to wear appropriate clothing and enclosed shoes while participating in the competitions. Please sign below to indicate that all players in your team are aware that they play at their own risk and that TEMS will not be held liable for any injuries incurred while playing or on the premises. Person making consentRead Terms of Site* I have read and understood the terms of this site. CAPTCHA